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Saturday, December 02, 2006

(News) Announces Their Best of 2006!

Every year, Editors get together and put together a list of their Top 100 Albums of the year. This year's list is much different from last years in that it totally makes you question their logic (i.e. it sucks). Whenever you put John Mayer's "Continuum" in the top 10 and Weird Al in front of The Flaming Lips (or, hell, anyone) then it might be time to clean house and hire some new editors.

Anyway, last year both and I shared the same pick for #1, and almost all of my top albums made the cut on their list too. This year, only 10 albums on my Top 31 made the cut on, two of them have already been revealed. What other albums will make the cut? Stay tuned to find out!

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